Issue 004 - words from the editor

About a month ago, when we were discussing a theme for our April issue, I was in the middle of moving to my new home. I was leaving a place that contained a couple of unfulfilled dreams and frustrations but mostly good memories. The whole decision process had started many months earlier and provoked a lot of introspection. What does "home" mean to me? What do I want it to be and what certainly not? Since this topic kept tumbling around in my mind, I proposed to use it as our theme for this issue. After thinking so much about it for so long, it should be pretty easy to make an essay, right? Wrong, I started at least ten drafts but none of them really expressed my feelings. On top of that, my new home town was brutally shaken up by a terrorist attack. For two days I could do nothing but sitting in front of the tv, dazed and trying to make sense of it. In a way, it felt like a violation of my home. 

We all struggled a bit with the concept of "home", it was a lot harder than we expected. But when the stories finally started to come in (most of them very close to the deadline), my KAGE buddies again made me so proud to be part of this group. My own essays keep me confused but in the stories of the others, I find solace and clarity. 

I hope you will enjoy this month's edition. Feel free to share our content on social media and don't forget to get in touch with us. Leave your feedback in the comments on our stories, they motivate us to go on and continue to come up with new work. 

Bert Stephani